
Compute: (v) to calculate or reckon a figure or amount.

At one time in my life, I took a job that required computer knowledge. I had none. Matter of fact, the whole time I kept that job, I had no real comprehension of how to work it.funny wisdom on words that begin with a C

What I did was learn what buttons to push, in the sequence necessary to perform tasks. Of course, it sounds ridiculous. I could have read the screen and learned where each strike of the key was taking me and why. But I chose not to.

I became so familiar with the motions and so confident that the computer would be faithful to its own programming that I just kept punching things in order.

Because of that, it appeared I was able to compute.

Matter of fact, one morning a gentleman commented to me “how fast I was” on the apparatus. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that my speed was due to the fact that I didn’t wait for the computer to react–I assumed it would catch up with me.

It always did.

In a day and age when we feel prideful about understanding everything, discussing detail and being able to take things apart and break them down into their singular units, I think sometimes we just have to look at history, spirituality, common sense and fairness–and punch the right buttons in the right order.


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Boast: (v) to talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction

Dictionary B

If doing it doesn’t give you an adequate boost of joyful satisfaction, then stop.

If you believe you need recognition, appreciation, applause or even space to perform your due diligence, you are destined to a life of sour despair.

There has to be joy in the doing, or the doing will become the burdensome chore of the malcontent.

I find that I’m only tempted to boast when I’m doing a job that really does not suit my taste and therefore needs to be bolstered by the admiration of others.

For instance, I was a writer long before I was read.

If I didn’t enjoy being a writer, I would have been absolutely miserable and would have made everyone around me fidgety as I complained about the arduous task of putting words on a screen.

I enjoyed it so I continued. If others end up finding purpose or pleasure in my phrasing and placement of notions, it’s just a magnificent manifestation.

If you find a boastful human, you will discover a soul who is not only insecure, but fearful that what they’re doing is a heap of meaningless.

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